In March we received another order from France, the fifth in order during the last 3 year period. The plant is situated on the outskirts of Montargis, approximately 200 km south of Paris and is owned by SMIRTOM (Syndicate Mixte de Ramassage et de Traitment des Ordures Ménagères de la region de Montargis), while Novergie is the operator. The combustion system represents an odd method of incineration without boiler or any other means of heat recovery, just a furnace. The furnace belong to the smallest category and only 2.8 ton waste per hour is incinerated. The contract comprises NOx reduction as well as increased waste throughput, plus some minor items. This project will commence within the next few weeks and start up of delivered equipment is planned for this autumn. The contract value is approximately 5 MSEK for ECOMB AB.