
2015 March 19

French Sugar Mill needs to reduce emissions

ECOMB have received a purchase order for an extensive Feasibility study from a Sugar Mill in France. The boiler is operated, as many other plants within this industry, in campaigns, i.e. steam production is controlled by needs in the sugar mill for production of sugar, syrup and ethanol. The different production processes require different steam flows, which means that the boiler must periodically be operated at high respectively low loads. Particularly low load operation is a concern, when emissions of NOx and CO often are increased and more difficult to control.
The purpose of this Feasibility study is to investigate those load cases, by measurements (video recordings, gas temperature measurements etc) and CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) calculations, where an Ecotube installation will be simulated. The business deal is, depending on the number of CFD calculations, worth up to 1 MSEK and the project will be carried out during Q2 and Q3 this year.

För ytterligare information, kontakta:
Ulf Hagström VD
ECOMB AB (publ)
Telefon: 08 - 550 125 50

Kort om ECOMB AB (publ)
ECOMBs affärsidé är att sälja det patenterade Ecotube-systemet, som minskar utsläppen av kväveoxider (NOx), svaveloxider (SOx) och koloxid (CO) från pannor inom fjärrvärme- och industrisektorn. Ecotube-systemet används i pannor som eldas med kol, avfall och biobränsle. Sedan starten har Ecotube-systemet installerats i ett trettiotal anläggningar. Ecotube-systemet har hittills sålts till kunder i USA, Frankrike, England, Holland och Sverige. ECOMB grundades 1992 och företaget är baserat i Södertälje.